I’m Brendan Davis. I'm from Atlanta by way of Los Angeles but I've worked with China for the better part of a decade, and currently live in Beijing.

And having lived and worked here myself, I know just how hard it can be to cut through the clutter related to working with China...

Processes are opaque. People seem unreadable. Deals never seem final. And there are no true "experts" with all the answers, because the one thing you can know for certain is:

Things that seem true in China today will likely change tomorrow.

But there is a way to crack this market - ONE way:

You have to make yourself China-smart.

And to successfully enter or expand your efforts in the Middle Kingdom, you have to work with someone who already IS.

Someone who's actively engaged with China, on a daily basis.

Who understand things with a local perspective.

And who will talk with you plainly, honestly, and in language YOU understand.

It's crucially important to know the reality of a given business situation. This is a critical factor in any deal, of course, but especially in China.

Brendan Davis Consulting (BDC) is my platform to help YOU become China-Smart.

I offer two kinds of services: "Phoners", and Full Engagements...


Would you like to learn more about any of the topics below? If so, then let's set up a Phoner (phone or video call) and discuss.

Sample topics include:

  • is China a good fit for me and/or my business?

  • an overview of China best practices

  • real answers to sensitive cultural questions

  • matching your expectations to local realities

  • the relative value of contracts in China

  • the importance of relationships, and how to build them

  • overcoming cognitive dissonance

  • expanding into China while mitigating risk

  • meaningful socio-economic summaries for each city classification (Tier 1, Tier 2, etc)

  • how developmental pace affects generational differences, and has rendered much of yesterday’s wisdom obsolete

A Phoner starts with my preliminary research into your question. I prepare a suggested agenda for you to approve, then we set and have our call. I follow-up on each Phoner with a summary and action report, based on the conversation and your needs.


Full Engagements allow me and a hand-picked team to help you tackle a larger China project or mission. 

These are project-based, ongoing consulting engagements composed of a series of in-person sessions with me as well additional strategy and planning by BDC and team to meet your goals.

Examples of full engagements include:

  • opening a representative office 

  • establishing an online or offline presence  

  • taking a product to market

  • finding suitable and reliable vendors

  • buying, selling, or protecting intellectual property in China

  • identifying and engaging with appropriate partners

  • exiting the China market with your winnings intact

  • and more

The way a Full Engagement works is that you and I first create a strategy, then I loop in various specialists as needed in a work-for-hire “round table” relationship, bringing their objective expertise to the table in a way that’s both strategically efficient and cost-effective. 


Regardless of which service you choose, my goal is to help YOU to approach and win your China engagement by providing current information, unbiased understanding, and strong support, giving you the fundamental clarity you need to achieve your very best results.

And I aim to overdeliver by 10x or more - providing additional resources, recommendations, and introductions as needed - because I want to be your long-term China resource. 

Just fill out the form below to help me prepare for our initial, complimentary call to discuss. Let's get started!