Special Holiday VIP Offer from AWA Health!

Special Holiday VIP Offer from AWA Health!

Angelique from AWA health (Episode #030) just sent me this special offer, so I wanted to share it with you. Her original Chinese is below my summary here:

AWA Health is offering a Holiday VIP Special package combining an anti-stress flotation therapy session + an anti-pollution halotherapy session in the salt room for only 860RMB. This is normally a 1076 RMB value so you save over 200 RMB. Book with her directly via the QR code below and tell her you're a "Big Fish" listener when you do!

【 圣诞减压套装隆重上线】太空漂浮都疗法+清肺抗霾盐疗一次性get! 送上司送客户送朋友送情人一网打尽:)show 品味涨姿势妥妥的!敲黑板、重点来了!原价1076、🎄特价860 ;)我保正亲自接待你的vip)

KYLE MULLIN: Writing & Reporting in Beijing, China

KYLE MULLIN: Writing & Reporting in Beijing, China

ANGELIQUE PENG: Health & Wellness in China

ANGELIQUE PENG: Health & Wellness in China