Speaking at the US Embassy in Beijing | BRENDAN DAVIS

Speaking at the US Embassy in Beijing | BRENDAN DAVIS

(^ We couldn’t pose for a group photo, so I used their stock image and made one… ^)

Today I can announce that I am honored to have been invited, along with my Migration Media cohort, to speak at the US Embassy here in Beijing on Thursday, December 13, in celebration of International Migrants Day. We've put together what should hopefully be a fun and fascinating evening, and I hope you'll join us if you can.

#086: Speaking at the US Embassy in Beijing | BRENDAN DAVIS 

Today I can announce that I am honored to have been invited, along with my Migration Media cohort, to speak at the US Embassy here in Beijing on Thursday, December 13 in celebration of International Migrants Day. We've put together what should hopefully be a fun and fascinating evening, and I hope you’ll join us if you can. More information and the SIGN UP link are in the blog post below.

SIGN-UPs are ONLY available through this official link from the US Embassy:

Sign up by clicking the picture above!


With over 258 million people living outside their country of birth, the global migrant community is the fastest-growing major demographic in the world. Yet their voices are often missing from mainstream media. The population that the UN labels as “international migrants” goes by many names: Expats, foreigners, refugees, digital nomads, 海龟.  But who are they? Where do they live? Why do they move? What does “home” mean for them? Living between cultures, what kind of culture do they create, and how do they impact their communities?

In honor of International Migrants Day, participate in a discussion about these questions with a diverse group of Americans who are living the migration experience in their own ways and who are working to elevate migrant stories worldwide. Speakers include Mike Shaw, Chrislyn Choo, Brendan Davis, Cara Gleeson, and Jonathan Garrison, who will share their journeys from “the nation of immigrants” to China. The program will include a presentation about the state of global migration, as well as a panel discussion about the challenges and opportunities that international migrants face when they make the choice to live outside their country of origin.


Date: Thursday, December 13

Time: 18:00-21:00 (3 hours)

Location: Beijing American Center (BAC), US Embassy

Address: No. 55 An Jia Lou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (East Gate of the U.S. Embassy)

Expected Attendance: Up to 200

Event Language: American English

Event Agenda:

  • 18:00-18:30: BAC Introduction

  • 18:30-18:45: Presentation, The Reality of Migration

  • 18:45-19:00: Discussion w/panel moderator

  • 19:00-19:45: Panel discussion

  • 19:45-20:15: Audience Q&A

  • All personnel to exit by 21:00

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